Monday, June 22, 2009

How do we reach the People?

As Christians how are we suppose to reach the people to be saved? We are suppose to witness, but what other methods can we use? I believe that we should reach the people thru the word of God, but sometimes we have to make it so they can understand. Nowadays Hip Hop & Rap is the "IN" thing for our youth and they are our future. So we want them to grow up and be God Fearing, prosperous adults to make it in today's society.
So I feel as if we need to get on their levels in order for them to understand Gods word. Many have told me that Christian Hip Hop and Rap is of the world and we should not conform. Its just not right and Christians are wrong for using it.I totally disagree I think its a catchy way for our youth to relate in a positive note. So tell me Bloggers what do you think?

~Jehovah Jireh.. Ms. Nita~

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dry Place

What do you do when you are in a dry place in your life? God doesn't want us to be dry especially if we are seeking him whole heartedly. Dry? All we have to do is just seek God, with fasting, praying and mediation. We should constantly seek Gods face in our good times and in our bad times. Dry? I know its hard to call on God when we feel like our world is crumbling but I think that's when you should seek him the most. If you have a personal relationship with God you will always be in fellowship with him consistedly. Dry? Thirst after God like the deer who pants after the water. God feeds us daily, the question is do you go to the table to get your meal.
We have to speak life into ourselves each and EVERY day, we don't serve a sometime God so don't be a sometime worshipper and then you will not have to worry about being in a dry place. You don't have to be dry because God is always present just waiting for you to talk to him. Be still and listen for a response when you pour out your heart to him. Dry? He has the living water that you won't have to thirst for again like the woman at the well. Dry? Being dry is never an option when you are with God in your daily life.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lentile Season

Today is the first day of Lent, what does that mean to you? Are you willing to make a Sacrifice unto God from Feb.25 Wed. until Easter Sunday? Often Sacrifice is alot of ask of a person, people tend not to want to make a sacrifice let alone commit to one. It can be hard to deny yourself of your everyday things that you live for but I believe it is worth it. I believe that if you make a sacrifice unto God he will open up a window and pour you out many blessing. You will begin to see changes in your life and you will also have a closer walk with God hearing and knowing his voice when he talks to you. You have to think of it like this, Jesus did not want to die but he made a sacrifice unto God and took the burden of our sins. He loves US so much he endured much pain and wanted God to have compassion on our lives through mistakes of our sin.
So I'm asking that you look deep down within yourself decided what you are going to give up for someone who died for you. Will it be drinking, smoking, shopping, eating, sex, TV, radio. You make the decision and watch what God does for you.

Be Blessed,


Monday, February 9, 2009


I think I just fell in Love
With a new Love I have found
He came to me one day and
knew just what to say
I knew I was in Love without
any shadow of a doubt
I'm so crazy over him I just
want to scream and shout
I can't wait to talk to him
every single day
becuase he cares for me each and
No matter day or night he's always
ready to fight
That's why I'm in Love with him
he's just so out of sight
He's has no problem with carrying
me or catching me when I fall
This Love that I'm in Love with is
JESUS from Heaven up above...

- Anita Chapman

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

God said I can have it so why you hating on me..

I want to correct a typo from my first Blog my pastor correct spelling is Trunell Felder* (sorry pastor)

Today I heard a Christian Hip Hop song saying :God said I can have it so why you hating on me.. I believe that Life and Death is in the Power of the tongue according to (Proverbs 18:21) So what we speak can affect how we act. God does not want his people to be sad, depressed, poor, tired, irritated, unhealthy; none of those things.. He was us to be prosperous in all we can do. So Stop HATING on us.. I know the Lord has riches for us in Heaven, but he also does not want us to struggle here on earth. My pastor always says the person in the pulpit should not be the only one prospering. I know many people who have long sufferings I sometimes fall in that category, but GOD always shows me why I struggled. So STOP HATING on me when thru my storm God blesses me. I know it thru my faithfulness to him. We need to learn to uplift each other and stop trying to keep up with the JONES, be your own person. Everyone has something special about them that God sees which is unique. Stop turning your noses down and having comments about people all the time. Maybe that brother, sister or child need you rather you know it or not.
People feel like Christians are suppose to be BORING! Not this one over here, I do fast, pray and meditate on the word of God; Striving to Be Christ Like. I haven't gotten it right but I'm trying. As a Christian I go to the movies, I like to dance a little, I listen to R&B and Hip Hop. I am not a Hermit, So STOP HATING on me for being Happy. How can I relate to people of the world if I think I'm all that, nope it just won't work. I just took the gifts God gave me and use them to the best of my ability. People always think they are suppose to be in the Lime light,(FALL BACK) but God says what you do in secret I will reward you openly. So be a servant I don't mind its hard but it pays off in the end. In order to get in the kingdom of heaven God wants us to serve.
So for all you Believers and Non-Believers who always has something to say about a Happy Christian who is living their life to the fullest. STOP HATING ON ME!!!!!!
Be Blessed
Ms. Nita

Who am I and What do I desire to give..

Hello, My name is Ms. Nita
I am a member of New Faith Baptist Church International, in Matteson, IL where my pastor is Trunnel Felder and First Lady Alexis Felder.
God has shown me many things in my life, especially the calling he has for me. I feel as if I have been on both sides on the fence. I have been in the world with all the fun wild things and then I have been a faithful Christian to God. I am not perfect by no means but I am striving to be Christ like, which is why I names my Blog "Seeking God.. Striving to Be Christ Like " I am like the deer that pants after the water. I am so thirsty for God, yes I have fallen and still do, but the God we serve is a loving God and he helps me to get back up and rise again.
So I'm not going to make this first blog very long, but I want you all to know that the bible says all have come short of the glory of God. So here is your chance to get it right with the Father in Heaven, to be saved the bible tells us if we confess with our mouth then we are saved. So as you read this I want you to remember this scripture:
"That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED" Romans 10:9 (NIV)

So here on God's blog site via Ms. Nita I want you to share your thoughts, concerns, testimonies and prayer request with me. Who am I to Judge you.

I love you with the Love of the Lord

Be Blessed, Ms. Nita